Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We party like winners!

So the kickball season is in full swing! Friday night a few of the balls and dolls got together and schemed & strategized preparing for our seaason debut on Sunday. Our team has never had a "winning streak", we have never actually won more than 2 games in an entire season. Each season we just know that its gonna be our year, that we are going to "vegas" but it doesn't take more than one game to prove to us otherwise. So we give up our hopes and dreams of going to "vegas" and go back to doing what we do best, we party! Sunday was a great time! It was a long winter of no Balls & Dolls, and we had a great time catching up with our friends! We also have a few new members who probably didn't know what they were getting themselves into with this bunch, but they are fitting in nicely and we are very happy to have them!
Britten did terrific out at the field, everyone on the team just love him! He was passed around and he smiled through it all. The weather was beautiful. We bought him a little pop up tent with UV protection and it worked out perfect! It was a great weekend!

Monday, April 26, 2010

One year ago today!

It was a year ago today that the sweetest little love bug entered our world! My niece Alaina Rose Garrett was born bright and early on April 26, 2009. I am so sad that I missed her big celebration this weekend, but loving the world of skype! Britten, Jay & I all watched as Alaina enjoyed her first cake, she was such a cute little mess! We sent along with my mom Alaina's birthday gift and her uncle Greg was kind enough to put it together, and my brother filmed her playing on it. She loved it! She is such a big girl and really has such a personality. I miss her and wish I was able to see her more often. I can't wait for Britten to finally meet his older cousin, I know the 2 of them will have so much fun growing up together!
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Almost TGIF!

Its been quite a long week, starting monday night when I woke up to feed Britten around 2am. He is such a efficient eater that waking up in the middle of the night really isn't that daunting. He eats, he burps, he goes right back down. 20 minutes tops. So when we were finished I went back to my room to go back to sleep, well I guess I must have been sleep walking or 1/2 asleep and I somehow tripped over something, maybe even my own 2 feet. I went head first into the side of the dresser having several water cups tumble on top of me (house cleaning isn't top priority anymore) so the huge crash woke up Britten in his nursery so he immediately starts to wail. I start to get up and realize that my face is wet and warm, oh yes I am bleeding. Not just bleeding, I am covered in blood... I am thinking, Great! I poked my eye out. So I start to scream because lets face nothing really hurts until you see/feel blood. Jay runs in thinking something is wrong with Britten and then sees the gaping hole in my head. He tries to clean me up as I cry, (yes I did cry, no I am not much of a crier but I think Britten being upset, me bleeding, and the total lack of sleep just threw me right over the edge) Anyway, I have to begin the process of feeding Britten again because yup I have a comfort eater, and nothing makes him more happy than momma's milk! But would he go right back down, OH NO WAY JOSE! Yup, icing on the cake. So I put Britten in the bed with me, which I typically don't do because I am so afraid that I might roll over on him, but it calmed him down and he went right to sleep. The funny part is that I have always lost out on room in the bed. Between Jay's Jimmy legs, and Trixie having to spoon I never really had much room in the bed. Well Little Mister Britten is no exception, he just scooted himself all around until he was comfortable and that meant right in the middle of the bed with his little legs spread eagle and his arms behind his head. Oh yes he was comfortable, but this sleep deprived Momma, not so much. So this week has been so long, my face hurts something terribly, and people keep staring at my hole between my eyes. So, Dear Friday please come soon and quickly! Sincerely, Sleepless in Virginia Beach!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I heart you!

A trip to see Jay's parents is never complete without a visit to our most favorite place, The Wharf! Not only is a terrific place to people watch, its also home of the most fantastic seafood ever!!When I found out I was pregnant last May, I was fine with giving up the normal vices, but when I found out that I could not eat Tuna, and had to limit my shell fish intake, it was like being punched in the chest. There is nothing like a piece of fresh medium rare tuna, it seriously makes my heart go pitter pat! So needless to say it was a hard nine months! After I gave birth to Britten, the day before my 30th birthday, I asked the nurse if Jay could bring me in tuna, all I really wanted for my birthday, OH NO, not yet she said. She instructed me to wait atleast a month before eating my precious tuna. So I waited, and I waited patiently. However, I am happy to report, I have had my tuna and boy did I savor every single bite of it, and even washed it down with a cold bud light! Oh Happy Day!

Many moons ago!

It was August 1998, I traveled 297 miles southwest to a little school called Ferrum College. I will admit that I was extremely nervous. After going to high school and having such a close group of friends, I wondered if I would ever find anything/anyone like that again. The first weekend at Ferrum, I met someone who would become one of my very best friends. Little Heather and I had a instant connection and our friendship began to grow. We had some great times at Ferrum, trips to walmart blasting the coors, century club, 90210, Fairy Stone park, spring flings, and so many more. Its now been almost 12 years and our friendship is even stronger. Heather was a important part of me getting married, and now I get to be a part of her special day! I am so glad that she has found her soul mate, and Jay & I just love Bobby! This past weekend, Heather's bridesmaids surprised her with a girl day! She was completely clueless, and needless to say overwhelmed with happiness to see all of her best friends together! We had a great time at the spa and of course armed with funny stories throughout the day. This spa was so colorful,from the nail technician that sprayed Heather, to the hair stylist that seriously wanted to be our friends! It was a laughable kind of day! After being pampered we headed to a restaurant that the names of food no one could pronounce but it was definitely tasty, and the company was perfect! I am so honored to call Heather friend, and feel blessed to be apart of her group of girlfriends! Happy wedding Heather! Can't wait for more celebrations!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Balls & Dolls!

Through the wonderful world of Kickball, Jay & I have made some great friends! Each sunday we get together and kick around a big red ball like we are in elementary school again. And, believe me the drama that goes on inside this league is nothing short of a elementary school lunch room brawl...however, our team the balls & dolls is nothing but fun! One of our friends from the team is a professional photographer and takes some truly amazing pictures. He came over and took some shots of Trixie & Britten! Trixie did so good sitting like a good girl while Britten sat on her, she gave him a few kisses and hammed it up for the camera. This pup is so funny, you put a camera near her and she gets the biggest smile on her little dog face.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oh Yah! Baby!

Phew, This blog business is hard core! Its taken me days to figure out how to make it look all snazzy!!!

So Jay weighed Britten yesterday, and the kid is a whopping 15.4 lbs. Seriously, he is a bruiser. I look at other kids his age and either I have wonder milk or I have created a comfort eater and I am pretty sure its the latter. Jay & I always joked that we were hoping for a linebacker, well we may get our wish. Its possible that he could start for the redskins next year... only they recruit washed up/old people. I guess Britten will have to have a successful career at some other franchise, then when he is tired and banged up almost ready for retirement the redskins will pick him up! Atleast its job security!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Some things never change!

This past weekend, Jay & I decided to make a little road trip to Richmond! We got up early (well we always get up early now) got the kid ready and headed up to Williamsburg for alittle shopping! Britten did great at the outlet mall and we all had a great time! We got up to Richmond and met up with friends at some restaurant that I don't even know the name of, the drinks were expensive and the margaritas weren't anything like my luvie Nacho Mamas but the atmosphere and friends were priceless! We enjoyed the beautiful day on the deck sipping overpriced drinks and had a blast! When it got close to bedtime for the kid we headed over to leslies for a little cookout, thats when I realized that though life changes and responsibilites mature that some things never change! And, thank God for that! I have a feeling that even though we are all married or about to be married, have kids or trying to have kids that when we can all get together the party will continue! As we drove home on sunday we both reflected on how great it is to have so many wonderful people in our lives and how great its going to be for Britten to grow up surrounded by such colorful, exciting, hilarious & loyal friends!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So lets get this started!

So, I have been wanting to blog for awhile now, and I guess I never felt that I was interesting enough, or had enough to say. I am loyal reader of a friends blog and just love seeing her pictures of her gorgeous kiddos, and I love learning about her days as a mother. Since, I am a new mom myself of a absolutely adorable 3 month old, I figured that now was a good time to get this thing started!

Just a little about me... I just recently celebrated my 2 years anniversary to a wonderful man. I couldn't ask for a better husband, or father to my son. Each day I wake up in awe of the life I am blessed to live and excited for the opportunity of the day. I realize that seems corny, but he seriously keeps the FUN alive, he makes me laugh all the time and keeps me inspired.

Happy Anniversary Hunny

January 14th, the best thing happened for the both us, our little man arrived! After 17 hours of labor and a lot pain, Britten Alexander entered our world, weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz! He is precious and perfect and I think God everyday for him! If you know Jay & I, you know that we are probably the most unprepared, fly by the seat of our pants type of people, so becoming parents (even though we had 9 months to prepare) was a little frightening! But, we jumped in head first and so far so good. Britten, is the happiest baby! He sleeps so well, he is a great eater, and he has a smile that could melt your heart!

A few pics of the B man~!