Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

What a wonderful 1st Christmas! Britten has been showered with love from friends and family and loved every bit of it! The holiday weekend started with the 2nd annual Santa party! It was a little different this year with our normal Jolly Ole Man being under the weather but Jay stepped up to the plate and he really did a great job as santa! With 12 little ones in attendance, santa handed out gifts and was very comical doing so! It was a great night with really great friends and I am so glad that we started this fantastic tradition!

Christmas Eve we spent the whole day at the farm! Noah, Rachael, Alaina, Mom, Nanny and us celebrated all the beautiful blessings our family received this year! Christmas morning, Britten snuggled with us in bed which was such an awesome Christmas present! We woke up and did stockings and had an amazing breakfast. I tell you what, I married well! I have a man who knows his way around the kitchen! Britten had such a awesome day with Jay's parents!

This Christmas was truly amazing! For some reason lately I found my way back to church, and going has really inspired me to be a better person. I found myself really in the spirit of giving and family and cherishing all of these blessings that God has been so generous to give us. I am loving life!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Anyone still there?

At this rate I am going to be a once a quarter poster... I have actually really missed writing. But, between the job, the kid, the dog and the husband blogging just takes a back seat.

Britten will be 11 months next week. Its so hard to believe that this time last year I was waddling around, miserable with PUPPS, and permanently stuck in the incline position because of heartburn. The funny thing is that all of the misery that I can sorta remember, I don't feel now... the pain that I thought was earth shattering is barely even a distant memory now. Now I feel each tooth that Britten is cutting, I hurt each time he has a ear infection, I cry with him everytime he just isn't feeling right. And though the long days are long, when he first started laughing my heart melted, his first army crawl I swelled with pride and when he pulled himself up all on his own I teared just a little because I didn't see a baby anymore, I saw a boy who is learning to be independent and strong. I have to admit that there is no better love than a love a mother has for her child.