Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

The old saying "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold" holds a lot of truth. This past weekend one of the first people I met freshman year came to visit. Patty and I met the fall of 1998, both so young and full of curiosity and hope. We had an instant connection and have remained close friends ever since. The thing about old friends, they know your past and accept it, they live in your present and enjoy it, and are look forward to your future! Our lives over the years have changed, no longer are we just here for the party. This weekend we laughed, we talked, we reiminised just like the good ole days but embraced our new "lives" with the same enthusiasm of days past! Often during the weekend I found myself filled with emotion, all of the good things and all of the bad things that we both went through made us the people that we are now and I fill up with pride for the women that we both have become!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Allie the Elm!

Jay & his dad have a Oak tree that they planted together many years ago, every year they get their photo taken in front of it, I always thought that was a great idea! Trees/plants to me are a symbol of life and what could be better than having a brand new tree, brand new Daddy, and brand new baby and capture the growth of all 3!

I looked up what tree symbolized Britten's birthday and its the Elm tree, so we went and bought a beautiful Elm whom we named Allie! Britten helped his daddy plant his tree and we look forward to watching them both grow big and strong!

ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

Yes I Know!

I know I have done a horrible job at updating lately, but life somehow keeps getting ahead of me. The last few weeks have been utter chaos. I left a job that I loved to start a new one that I am loving even more! I miss my bosses' but I am enjoying having the freedom to be more creative and having so much fun taking the "ball and running with it". This job is definitely more of a brain bruiser, but I am loving being mentally exhausted and excited for the next day!

Memorial day weekend, we traveled down to Lake Norman. Lake Norman is seriously my happy place, its my zen. I love it. We get to spend time with one of the greatest families that I have had the priviledge to get to know. They are whatcha call good people. When we found out we were pregnant, Ramona also had just learned of her happy news! Its exciting now to watch the little ones play and we are so excited that they will grow up knowing each other and being lifelong friends!

So sunday night after the kiddies FINALLY went to bed (apparently Maggie & Britten decided amongst themselves that napping was not apart of their day on sunday) all of us "adults" were sitting on the porch, chatting, laughing, drinking a few cold ones. I stood up, thought I felt something slimy under my foot but I didn't want to draw attention to myself because for some reason I felt that stepping on a slug would be embarrassing or something. So, Ramona screamed OH MY GOD there is a snake, YEP, I totally stepped on a snake. We all went running faster than I have ever seen 4 old, totally out of shape adults run. The snake was HUGE, probably 4ft long and quite plump around. Yah, I didn't have sweet dreams that night :)

The weekend was fantastic, Britten went on his first boat ride, he loved the wind in his hair, he got in the water for the first time and didn't cry! Its amazing to watch experiences happen for the first time in the eyes of my son, these are the times I will always cherish and remember!