Sunday, July 4, 2010


It was 3 years today that I had my own personal fireworks! Jay came down to va beach for the weekend, the weekend started off like all the others, he came down we went out on the bikes to the beach, we went out to dinner, we hung out with friends. Then July 4th came and I invited my mom and nanny over to enjoy the neighborhood fireworks and have a cookout. Jay didn't seem thrilled about this invite and I couldn't figure out why. He wanted to go watch the fireworks on the beach, he kind of created a big stink about it. But, it true Jay fashion he got over it, cooked the burgers and had a great time. There was a big wind storm that year so the fireworks ended up being cancelled anyway, so really no harm no foul. After my family left he asked if I wanted to go get ice-cream, I was tired and not totally feeling it, but he was a trooper all day so I said okay, sure. Well it was a good thing I decided to go, we got down to the dairy queen, went out on the sand and he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife! In the background there was a concert and the song playing, was "All I need is Love", and how true! That night was the start of such a new life for us! So Happy Birthday America, and Happy Engagement Anniversary baby!